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Are you interested in Merry & Co services? Get in contact with us!
Form for potential new clients
First and last name
Would the service be contracted by a legal entity or organization?
Please indicate the name of the legal entity or organization
Is this your first contact with this consulting company?
What is the service category of your interest?
Project design and management
Strategies to reach low-income and emerging sectors
Market research and field work
Mass market distribution and customer education
M&E and project evaluations
Research and knowledge management
Designing and delivering training programs
You only want to make an exploratory contact to this company
Indicate the general information of the possible contracting, or the reason for the contact
If there are terms of reference for this contract, and there are no restrictions in this regard, please indicate its URL
Do you have additional comments or other information you want to share?
Thank you for your interest in Merry & Co services, a member of the team will be in touch soon...
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